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Security at Nomentia

We are committed to maintaining transparency about our security practices.

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Our Information Security Management System is, according to the ISO/IEC 27001:2022 standard, constantly evolving with updated guidance and new industry best practices.
You can see all our information security certificates here:

Kiwa certified

Information Security Management System 

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ISAE 3402 II certification

International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3402

Swift compatible application

SWIFT Customer Security

Certified SWIFT partners
FSQL-NL registered

FSQS-NL Supplier Qualification System

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Securing our organization
and your data at every layer

Our mission is to provide customers with reliable solutions for cash and treasury management.

Making your data secure and protecting it is one of our most important responsibilities. To better understand Nomentia's priorities for security, take a look at the Nomentia Security whitepaper.

Nomentia security whitepaper

Safeguarding data is a critical responsibility we have to our customers

We have an existential interest in protecting your data.

Every customer and organization deserves and expects their data to be secure and confidential.

Safeguarding this data is a critical responsibility we have to our customers, and we continue to work hard to maintain that trust.

We are here to help you!

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our security measures, please contact your Nomentia representative or leave a message on our website.

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