Huub Wevers joins Nomentia as a Senior Sales Manager in the Netherlands

by Huub Wevers

reading time 1 min

huub wevers benelux interview nomentia

Huub WeversHuub Wevers

Senior Sales Manager in the Netherlands

As Nomentia is expanding to other markets, we have just recently opened our new office in Amsterdam and we couldn't be more excited about having Huub Wevers joining us as a Senior Sales Manager in the Benelux. We asked Huub why he joined Nomentia, what he has to say about our solutions and his predictions for the future. 

You’ve recently joined Nomentia. What made you feel like this is the place to be?

I like treasury and I was looking for the option to work for a SaaS treasury company whereby I could grow my own region, e.g., lots of independence in a more structured fast-growing larger company. Apart from that, I talk and query too much, like to win and have a lot of fun, so I guess sales is a good place as well. Also, I liked the people I started speaking to, lots of energy and fun!

Out of all the different solutions that Nomentia offers, which one do you think is the most interesting?

Bank Connectivity and the global reach as it offers the foundation to cross-sell the rest. The In-House Bank is also a hidden gem, which can do much more than the name says.


Where do you think the world of treasury is heading?

It is heading towards an app-based software environment. Of course, in the cloud, but apps within a few ecosystems that work together easily through interfaces and that can be swapped for the ‘new kid on the block’. I believe client support will become more important. It is nowadays more difficult for corporates to understand who is responsible for the hick-up they encounter. Client support wins new/additional business!


As the end of the year is getting close, what do you predict as the biggest trends of 2022?

New SaaS versions of ERP systems are driving new problems for lots of corporates in file formats and bank connectivity. Clients have learned the lessons of the pandemic, and focus mostly on better cash flow forecasting and liquidity management in general.


What is one piece of advice you would give to a treasurer friend?

Have fun!

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